Healthcare Value Analysis: Diagnose Before You Prescribe A Solution

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl describes the importance of diagnosing your healthcare Supply Chain challenges before trying to implement a solution: “The simple truth is that we, as an industry, are treating symptoms of a problem more often than the actual cause of the behavior with so-so results. To correct this behavior, diagnose before you prescribe a solution. This will enable you to root out the causes of your cost and quality issues and then stamp out all waste and inefficiencies in your supply streams…” Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: Android: And listen at: iTunes -> Spotify -> Stitcher -> Amazon Podcasts -> Google Podcasts -> #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis



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