How Competition Can Quickly Drive Down Your Clinical Departments’ Utilization Costs by Double Digits

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl discusses the role of competition in driving down costs: “In addition to clinical departments changing their costly supply expense practices once they see their department’s supply utilization reports, you can jump-start this process by having your clinical department, especially nursing floors, compete to have the lowest expense per patient day. The financial effect of this competition between departments is impressive. For instance, we are seeing nursing departments drop their unit’s cost by as much as 11% to 23% without supply chain management holding these individuals’ hands to do so….” Tune in for the full article! Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: Android: And listen at: iTunes -> Spotify -> Stitcher -> Amazon Podcasts -> Google Podcasts -> #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis



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