Making the Sterile Processing Net-Work: A Conversation with the Beyond Clean Team
This special release episode of the Beyond Clean podcast features a recent Expert Series conference session with our Beyond Clean team members, Hank Balch (President & co-founder), Lindsay Brown (VP), Michael Matthews (VP), and Adam Okada (Clinical Manager) on the topic of making your Sterile Processing Network…work. The Beyond Clean team came together because of two things: passion and networking. But what exactly is a professional network and what value does it bring to a Sterile Processing professional? This episode was an open book conversation about the power and the pitfalls of networking and what Sterile Processing professionals should and shouldn’t do today to build their professional networks. We’d love for you to join us!
This special release is worth 1 CE credit, so once you finish this interview, you can get your 1 CE credit immediately by passing the short quiz linked below each week.
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