More Than “Just” a Rep: The Art of Carving Out a Legacy
How would your customers, colleagues, and competitors describe you? Are their descriptions close to how you’d describe yourself? Few reps in the prime of their career consider the impact they’re having—or failing to have—on the human beings around them. Peta Sitcheff, accomplished rep and author of the teaching memoir “My Beautiful Mess,” believes a legacy isn’t something you leave behind—it’s something you choose every single day. In this interview, we talk with Peta about ways reps can build a reputation for themselves by putting complex connections above cut-and-dry fact sheets.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The five words that every rep should cut from their vocabulary
- Simple mindfulness tricks for turning negative thoughts into practical action
- What it means to go beyond the “superficial ocean” of benefits, features, and data
- How to take your career off autopilot and act with greater awareness
- Speak to the emotional human behind the white coat
Plus, we expose the shortcomings of “why”-based questioning
Resources and links from the show: