Myth Busting 2019: Sterility Assurance Debate

Why isn’t every-load biological indicator monitoring a global practice in Sterile Processing? Do chemical indicators actually pose a greater challenge in certain contexts? Is parametric release the future of sterility assurance or ready for retirement? For our 2nd Annual Beyond Clean LIVE event, we took the show on the road again in front of a live audience in Anaheim, California during the 2019 IAHCSMM Convention & Expo. This year, we tackled the hot topic of Sterility Assurance with three subject matter experts representing:

  • Biological Indicators – Kelly Soto Pacheco (Steris)
  • Chemical Indicators – Mike Eckenwiler (Getinge)
  • Parametric Release – René Vis (Steelco Benelux B.V.)

It was another block buster event, and we’re delighted to share this debate with a global audience. We hope you enjoy the show, gain insight on this important issues, and bust some myths!

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