Plugged-In and Processing: Smart Home, Why Not Smart CS/SPD?

In this CE-approved Beyond Clean Articles On-The-Go episode, Hank Balch explores how smart home technologies can be adapted to improve Sterile Processing department workflows, communication, and asset protection. — “While many of us are outfitting our homes with the latest smart devices on the market, large numbers of our departments are still operating under the same technologies that were in use more than 40 years ago when Jimmy Carter was president and the movie Grease was just hitting theatres. Knowing this, let’s take a look at some options already on the market that could take your department from old-school unplugged to…”

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Plugged-In and Processing: Smart Home, Why Not Smart CS/SPD?

In this CE-approved Beyond Clean Articles On-The-Go episode, Hank Balch explores how smart home technologies can be adapted to improve Sterile Processing department workflows, communication, and asset protection. — “While many of us are outfitting our homes with the latest smart devices on the market, large numbers of our departments are still operating under the same technologies that were in use more than 40 years ago when Jimmy Carter was president and the movie Grease was just hitting theatres. Knowing this, let’s take a look at some options already on the market that could take your department from old-school unplugged to…”

To read this article, take the CE quiz & download your certificate, click here:

Stay tuned for new CE-approved Articles On-the-Go releasing each week! Bookmark our new AOTG CE page here:

#FightingDirty #HankBalch #BeyondClean #WeFightDirty

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