Beyond Medicine

Beyond Medicine was born as a voice for our leaders in healthcare. Initially as a platform to help our doctor’s and leaders share their message with the world. Our mission has evolved to advance healthcare, challenge limiting beliefs, and bring on leaders who are making a difference. Our host, Rami Wehbi D.O, is a Family Medicine trained Physician and a curious listener with a hunger to make a difference.


040 – Dr. David Sinclair PhD – The Secret to Reverse Aging.

Dr. David Sinclair is a Harvard Medical School Professor for the Department of Genetics, who focuses on the Biology of Aging. He is known for his contributions on slowing down the effects of aging. Besides his contributions to medical education, he has co-founded multiple medical technology companies and written a variety of books and contributed in films.

To follow Dr. Sinclair and his endeavors, follow him on Twitter @davidasinclair.

039 – Dr. Laurie Santos – Yale Professor and Founder of The Happiness Lab

Laurie Renee Santos is a cognitive scientist and Professor of Psychology at Yale University. She is also Director of Yale’s Comparative Cognition Laboratory, Director of Yale’s Canine Cognition Lab, and Head of Yale’s Silliman College

In January 2018, her course titled Psychology and the Good Life became the most popular course in Yale’s history, with approximately one-fourth of Yale’s undergraduates enrolled.[ In September 2019, she became host of the podcast The Happiness Lab, published by Pushkin Industries — the media company led by journalists Malcolm Gladwell and Jacob Weisberg.

038 – #MEDsession Dr. Oren Gotffried – Doctor behind ‘The Good Doctor’


Dr. Oren Gottfried, MD –

Dr. Oren Gottfried is a spine neurosurgeon at Duke University Hospitals. He specializes in a variety of spinal diseases, providing proper surgical management for his patients. Additionally, Dr. Gottfried is a Professor of Neurosurgery at Duke University School of Medicine and is a renowned clinical researcher. He has multiple publications and partakes in being a mentor for Third Year Students at Duke.

Alongside his roles in direct patient care and medical education, Dr. Gottfried spends his time curating narratives about working in medicine with television writers for shows such as The Good Doctor, Chicago Med, and Royal Pains. In this episode, we discuss with Dr. Gottfried how he got into Hollywood, creating stories for these shows, and how he has integrated this venture with patient care.

To keep up with Dr. Gottfried, follow him on Twitter @OGdukeneurosurg.

037- Astronaut/Physician Dr. Dave Williams on Space, Surviving cancer, Globalization, Artificial Intelligence

About Dr. Williams:

Canadianphysician,public speaker,CEO, author and a retiredCSA astronaut. Dr. Williams was a mission specialist on two space shuttle missions. His first spaceflight,in 1998, was a 16-day mission aboard Space.

Dr Williams performed three spacewalks during STS-118 helping build and maintain the International Space Station. He holds the Canadian spacewalking record and spent over 4 hours riding Canadarm 2 on his second spacewalk.

Visit Dr. Williams website

Buy Dr. Williams book, Defying Limits

036 – #MEDsession – COVID-19 with Dr. Jonathan Quick, author of The End of Epidemics

Dr. Jonathan Quick is the author of The End of Epidemics, a novel focused on different ways to combat and prevent the rapid spread of such historical occurrences. Dr. Quick is a renowned physician and public health expert, working with Duke’s Global Health Institution, Harvard Medical School, and Boston University School of Medicine. Moreover, Dr. Quick’s expertise lie in pandemics, healthcare innovations, and universal healthcare.

To learn more about Dr. Quick, please visit his website at:

To follow him on Twitter, visit his page @jonoquick

035 – #MEDsession – Taking Back Medicine with Dr. Patty Fahy

Dr. Patty Fahy MD is a physician and leading executive in a consulting firm known as Fahy Consulting. Here, she focuses her efforts on transforming the healthcare profession through leadership, knowledge, and communication. It is imperative that physicians and other healthcare workers take a lead in our current healthcare industry, leading to its renovation.

To learn more about Dr. Fahy and her consulting firm, please visit:


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