Beyond Medicine

Beyond Medicine was born as a voice for our leaders in healthcare. Initially as a platform to help our doctor’s and leaders share their message with the world. Our mission has evolved to advance healthcare, challenge limiting beliefs, and bring on leaders who are making a difference. Our host, Rami Wehbi D.O, is a Family Medicine trained Physician and a curious listener with a hunger to make a difference.


009-Recognizing and Dealing with Burnout with Dr. Vania Manipod


Childhood trauma.

Suicide and impulsiveness.

Dealing with suicidal thoughts. The common misconceptions surrounding suicide.

Why do people try to kill themselves?

What is therapy and how does it make you feel better?

Who should go to therapy?


How to recognize burnout

My personal experience with burnout.

How to deal with burnout and how to prevent it.

What I do to prevent burnout.

Reaching out for help and what you need to know if you are struggling.

Connect with Dr. Manipod at

008-Career and Life Balance for Women – Dr. Pamela Mehta

Key Facts

What it is like being a women in a male dominated field and how she has navigated her way through it.

Advice for women who want to have a family and also want to pursue a career that may be demanding.

Work-Life Balance.

Taking back your freedom and becoming a Entrepreneur.

Taking the risk.

Advice to women who want to start a family.

Starting your own practice and what it is like starting out.

Regenerative Medicine and how she is helping her patients.

007-CrossFit Health with Dr. Matt Cowling.

Key Facts

What is CrossFit?

How Dr. Cowling got started with CrossFit.

The power of community in achieving your goals.

How CrossFIt can help improve your health parameters.

High Intensity Interval Training and the research.

How HIIT can help with health parameters and depression.

Keeping your ego in check, doing the right movements, staying healthy.

Scaling – breaking down complicated movements.

Dispelling some of the health risks of CrossFit.

Building your support system.

How to prevent injury.

006-Your Neighborhood Allergist- Allergies, Food Sensitivities, Gluten, Dairy and More!

Dr. Payel Gupta, MD. Board Certified in Allergies and Immunology talks to us about the most commonly asked questions regarding allergies, food sensitivities and much more. As a doctor who suffers from allergies herself, Dr. Gupta has a unique compassion for her patients as well as a holistic point of view.

Key Facts

What are allergies.

Why are allergies on the rise?

Ways to improve allergies.

Figuring out what you are allergic to.

Nasal Saline Wash.

Bee Pollen – The hype and the facts.

The Allergic Triad.

Should you be tested for food sensitivities?

Mind – body connection and the link to anxiety and food allergies.

Off topic discussion on Mind-Body connection.

The connections between hives and stress.

Gluten- myths vs truths.

Food Diaries.

Lactose intolerance – Hormone induced acne.

Is there a cure for allergies?

Allergy Shots? What are they?

Hygiene Hypothesis.

005-Saving America From Opioids


Saving America From Opioids

Dr. Scott Sigman, MD – A Fellowship trained Opioid Sparing Sports Orthopedic Surgeon and global proponent for the minimization of opioids in post-operative pain,talks with us on America’s struggles with opioids and how we got to this point.

Key Points

  1. History of the Opioid Epidemic.

  2. The addictiveness of Opioids.

  3. Who is at the most risk to get addicted to Opioids?

  4. Athletes and their risk of Opioid addiction.

  5. How did the Opioid Epidemic start?

  6. America’s use of Opioids compared to other countries.

  7. The benefits of using Opioid Sparing Surgery.

  8. How Opioid Sparing Surgery works and how well will it control my pain?

  9. Are there any side effects to using Opioid Sparing Surgery.

  10. How does EXPAREL work, and how can patients request it.

  11. What should people be asking their doctor if they are afraid of using Opioid drugs?

  12. Dr. Sigman’s efforts to spread his message across America and save America from Opiods.


004 -Career Wellness, Entrepreneurship and Social Influence. – Dr. Aaliya Yaqub


Career Wellness, Entrepreneurship and Social Influence.

In this episode Dr. Aaliya Yaqub, MD talks to us about being a Entrepreneur in the Health/Tech industry, how she finds balance as a Physician, Entrepreneur and mother. Dr. Aaliya offers great advice on finding your passions and ultimatly living the life you want to live.


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