Power Supply

Without supplies there is no surgery. Without products there is no patient care. Welcome to Power Supply – the healthcare supply chain podcast focused on helping you navigate the intricacies of logistics, purchasing, contracting and supplier relationships. Each episode we speak with healthcare executives, supply chain leaders, and innovative entrepreneurs from across the country as they share their stories, experience and expertise on the industry we love. From the loading dock to strategic sourcing, for buyers to the C-Suite and across the enterprise — we tackle the real-life issues impacting the health care supply chain. Whether you’re tuning in for conversation or inspiration, we’re glad you’re here. You’re just in time to hear it from the source and stock up on insight, so sit back and plug into Power Supply…

AHRMM SME podcast featuring Ed Hisscock

Are your healthcare trading partner relationships costing you thousands in hidden waste? In this eye-opening AHRMM Subject Matter Expert Podcast episode, Ed Hisscock, SVP of Supply Chain at Trinity Health, joins host Justin Poulin to expose the startling inefficiencies plaguing our industry. Ed shares how a lean event at Trinity Health, with a large implant supplier, revealed that a staggering 47 daily orders could be streamlined to just one order every 2-3 weeks, reducing labor and transportation costs by 16% and packaging materials by a whopping 65%. Tune in to learn how collaborating with your supply chain partners can help you identify and eliminate waste, unlocking significant savings and sustainability gains for your organization. Don’t miss this opportunity to rethink your trading partner relationships!

#AHRMM #PowerSupply #SMEPodcast #HealthcareSupplyChain

Navigating the Complexities of Healthcare Supply Chain Inspections: Challenges and Best Practices

Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // What role does supply chain play during regulatory and accreditation surveys? Are we the supporting actors offering our encouragement to our fellow departments? Or are we the star of the show? Joining us this week on the Power Supply podcast is Barbara Strain, Principal at Barbara Strain Consulting. Barbara brings her knowledge and expertise to the conversation to help guide us through the maze of regulations, inspections, and best practices. We will also discover how the art of concise communication and collaboration is the key to successfully passing your next inspection, confidently and with ease. Don’t miss this insightful episode as we dive into the world of compliance, best practices, and the tools you need to know to ace your next inspection with flying colors!

Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs!


#PowerSupply #Podcast #AHRMM #CECs #HealthcareSupplyChain

From Limited Resources to Life-Saving Missions: Inside the Thrilling World of Life Flight

Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // This week on the Power Supply podcast, we’re soaring into the adrenaline-charged world of emergency medical transport and flight nursing. We caught up with Life Flight Network’s Victor Walco and Casey Seckel for an inside look at the intricate logistics and supply chain operations essential to operating emergency medical services. From successfully navigating the unpredictable COVID-19 supply chain network to managing a diverse fleet across remote areas in the US, Victor and Casey share how Life Flight Network continues to provide expert quality clinical care when their patients need it most. When time is of the essence, discover how healthcare supply chain plays a vital role in supporting these lifesaving missions!

Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs!


#PowerSupply #Podcast #AHRMM #CECs #HealthcareSupplyChain

5 Not-So-Obvious Ways to Reassess Your Healthcare Organization’s Value Analysis Program

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl discusses why if your value analysis program isn’t a well-oiled machine, it will cost your hospital, system, or IDN time, money, and resources: “With very few exceptions, every hospital, system, and IDN has an active value analysis program to evaluate new purchase requests, review and approve new and renewal group purchasing contracts, and trouble shoot and problem solve product, service, and technology issues. Yet, how many of us have reassessed our healthcare organization’s value analysis program for efficiency and effectiveness lately?…” Tune in for the full article! Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: https://zcu.io/sx2h Android: https://zcu.io/xJSJ And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis

Streamlining Supply Chain Efficiency: Unleashing the Power of 2 Bin Kanban

Episodes NOW CEC APPROVED for AHRMM members! // Are the challenges of stockouts and supply overflows causing headaches in your inventory management? This week on the Power Supply podcast, we’re joined by Heather Roadcap, Director of Materials Management at Saint Luke’s. Heather shares how her team successfully streamlined their supply chain’s workflows and efficiencies with help from the 2 Bin Kanban inventory system. Hear how this visual cue inventory system is eliminating the guesswork, improving patient care, and increasing collaboration among clinical teams. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover key strategic planning strategies you need to know to successfully roll out this inventory system in your organization!

Once you complete the interview, jump on over to the link below to take a short quiz and download your CEC certificate for .5 CECs! 


#PowerSupply #Podcast #AHRMM #CECs #HealthcareSupplyChain

How Competition Can Quickly Drive Down Your Clinical Departments’ Utilization Costs by Double Digits

On this week’s episode of Power Supply Articles On-the-Go, Bob Yokl discusses the role of competition in driving down costs: “In addition to clinical departments changing their costly supply expense practices once they see their department’s supply utilization reports, you can jump-start this process by having your clinical department, especially nursing floors, compete to have the lowest expense per patient day. The financial effect of this competition between departments is impressive. For instance, we are seeing nursing departments drop their unit’s cost by as much as 11% to 23% without supply chain management holding these individuals’ hands to do so….” Tune in for the full article! Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can now download our free mobile app: Apple: https://zcu.io/sx2h Android: https://zcu.io/xJSJ And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting #ValueAnalysis


About Instructor

Hank Balch

Weapon of Mass Microbial Destruction

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