
  1. Terrific presentation–thank you Dr. Sigman! Follow-up question–assuming you do some elective procedures out of a local hospital–any issues or struggles with hospital PACUs giving post-op IV opioids for pain control? Any insight here is appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Heidi. Thank you for watching. Nurses have been trained like doctors to keep patients out of pain. We make sure all of our nursing staff is on board with Opioid minimization. Open lines of communication and the preoperative team approach have helped us to reduce iv Opioids as a reflex reaction in the PACU.

  2. Dr. Sigman, really enjoyed the talk. I am a PharmD and cofounded Goldfinch Health ( and the Billion Pill Pledge ( to build understanding and demand for opioid-sparing, fast-track recovery in the employer and insurer/payer market. Looking forward to sending patients to your practice soon.

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