Power Supply

Without supplies there is no surgery. Without products there is no patient care. Welcome to Power Supply – the healthcare supply chain podcast focused on helping you navigate the intricacies of logistics, purchasing, contracting and supplier relationships. Each episode we speak with healthcare executives, supply chain leaders, and innovative entrepreneurs from across the country as they share their stories, experience and expertise on the industry we love. From the loading dock to strategic sourcing, for buyers to the C-Suite and across the enterprise — we tackle the real-life issues impacting the health care supply chain. Whether you’re tuning in for conversation or inspiration, we’re glad you’re here. You’re just in time to hear it from the source and stock up on insight, so sit back and plug into Power Supply…

Change Management: The Art of Listening to the Internal Customer

Most often, change is met with some level of resistance.  Large projects touch so many end users that the pressure mounts and it can be difficult to successfully engage many internal stakeholders.  Dan Pfister has proven success with change management and joins us for this episode of Power Supply to share his secrets for aligning patient needs and clinician values with a strategic sourcing initiative.  We also learn about the benefits of a consolidated workforce and what the future might hold for moving supply chain closer to the source of materials management on the front lines.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Loving the #PowerSupply conversations? You can follow us at: Facebook: https://zcu.io/kDUC Linkedin: https://zcu.io/waOr   And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY

#ChangeManagement #RFP #ClinicalAlignment #Listening #workforce #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting


Supply Operations Insights: Maximizing GPO Relationships

Consolidation has been occurring through healthcare, no matter what side of the table you have been sitting on for the past decade.  GPOs have been no exception and sourcing strategies have been forced to change as well.  Jeff Stevens shares his extensive experience and perspective on how to get the best value from your Group Purchasing Organization affiliations.  How have you leveraged your GPO contracts successfully?  What limitations do you face related to exclusivity versus a pick and choose approach?  On this episode we dive into emerging opportunities in the world of GPOs such as Purchased Service and gain insight from an industry expert with an interesting background in healthcare!

You can follow Power Supply at: Facebook: https://zcu.io/kDUC Linkedin: https://zcu.io/waOr   And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY

#GPO #PurchasedServices #Strategic # Sourcing #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting

Drowning in Data: How Much is Too Much?

These days everyone is in love with big data and the insights that can be gleaned from them thanks to the computing power we now have available. However, managing large data sets comes with its own challenges, such as establishing and maintaining the integrity of the information that is being collected. On this week’s episode of the Power Supply podcast, we sit down with Mark Olney to explain what good and bad data looks like, how to make use of good data, and share some lessons learned from a recent ERP project. If you find yourself preoccupied with analysis and sometimes losing sight of the ultimate goal, this episode is for you! Join us as Mark shares his vision for maintaining momentum and leading your engaged end users across the finish line.  

You can follow Power Supply at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PowerSupplyMedia Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/powersupplymedia/   And listen at: iTunes -> https://zcu.io/3Zef Spotify -> https://zcu.io/eBXx Stitcher -> https://zcu.io/2gMi Amazon Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/Xo2S Google Podcasts -> https://zcu.io/O8SY

#BigData #ERP #Analytics #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting

For the Love of Statistics: Mining Data to Combat Cryptic Media Messaging

Mark Van Sumeren was concerned by what he was seeing and reading in the media during the early days of the pandemic and so he began to do his own research.  Motivated to counter the denial and fear mongering, he put his engineering background to use and began to collate information into a daily insights and a newsletter that he shared by email with a few close colleagues.  The response was positive and Mark’s passion project went viral.  The newsletter continues today, and has been recognized by the national media and absent of political bias due his fact-based approach.  Tune into this episode of Power Supply to listen to his story and subscribe to the free Vital Signs Newsletter by visiting healthindustryadvisor.com.

For more information about the brand new Power Supply podcast, visit us at http://www.powersupplymedia.net

Thanks for tuning in!

#Data #Mining #Statistics #Pandemic #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting


Logistically Speaking – An Enormous Need for PPE and Increasing Costs Demand Innovation

The global healthcare crisis has impacted the supply chain not only in terms of a decreasing supply to meet an unprecedented increase in demand, but also how hospitals are able to receive supplies due to access restrictions imposed to control the spread of infection.  Mike Palazzini joins us on this week’s episode of Power Supply to discuss several unique challenges, including chain of custody when shipping controlled medications and how industry relationships were integral to responding to fast paced changes, with an eye to the future about being better prepared for “next time.” This is a conversation you’ll be thankful you jumped in on…!

For more information about the brand new Power Supply podcast, visit us at http://www.powersupplymedia.net

Thanks for tuning in!

#Logistics #ThirdParty #ChainOfCustody #Pharmaceuticals #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting

Do Your Homework: Successful Strategies for Managing Work and Life at Home

Is your schedule filled with back-to-back Teams meetings?  Are you answering emails late into the evening?  Have you struggled to stay active over the past year?  The idea of working from home sounds great when you are commuting to the office every day, but that fantasy has not become reality as many professionals have learned.  The increasingly blurred line between work and life has been an increasing challenging, while the demands on supply chain have increased significantly.  From basic scheduling to measuring productivity and making time for self-care, Deb Wiggs kicks off our inaugural episode of the Power Supply podcast by sharing her insights on a foundational framework for fulfillment in the context of the Supply Chain industry. 

 For more information about the brand new Power Supply podcast, visit us at http://www.powersupplymedia.net

Thanks for tuning in!

#WorkLife #Balance #PowerSupply #Podcast #Education #SupplyChain #Healthcare #Purchasing #Contracting


About Instructor

Hank Balch

Weapon of Mass Microbial Destruction

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