The Ortho Show

The Ortho Show was born from a passion to share remarkable, insightful, educational and just plain entertaining stories from the world of orthopedics.

Benjamin Young 

Over my many years working in the medical device sector I’ve had the good fortune to work with some of the industry’s most respected orthopedic surgeons. I’m excited to use The Ortho Show to share the amazing stories of some of my friends and colleagues I’ve met along the way. I genuinely hope you enjoy it and find something of value within these episodes.

Micah Nicholls

Prior to my involvement in orthopedics, I worked first as an electronic engineer in Silicon Valley and then, after retraining in the UK, as an osteopath. For the past 11 years I’ve been doing research in orthopedics both in academia and for industry. I look forward to bringing you conversations with some of the great minds I’ve had the pleasure of meeting during this time.

Theme music by Kevin Pollard


Hosted by Dr. Scott Sigman – “Women in Orthopedics”

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The Ortho Show is celebrating women in orthopedics!

Dr. Elisabeth Gennis discusses being a woman in orthopedics and gets very candid on work/life balance. Other discussion topics include giving advice to women in orthopedics, along with establishing your brand as an orthopedic surgeon and actively communicating this to patients.

Find out more from Dr. Elisabeth Gennis here.

Thank you to our partnerOrthoLazerfor making this episode of The Ortho Show possible.


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